Carncastle Pres. Church:
Home Up Records Room




(otherwise "Cairncastle")

Presbyterian Church:

Carncastle (or Cairncastle) is a Village within the Parish of Carncastle.

The village is situated less than 2 miles west from Ballygally (or Ballygalley) Castle and Village on the east Antrim coast:


Internal Church Memorial Plaques, Tablets & Furnishings:


1914 - 1918

This Tablet is erected by the members of Cairncastle Presbyterian Church to the glory of God and in loving memory of the following who gave their lives for King and Country in the Great War

James Brown Robert Clarke John Moore Robert J. Stewart
James Crawford John Dale Thomas Moore Hugh Steele
Robert Crawford George Hylands Joseph A. McMullan Thomas Sittlington
William Crawford Robert J. Todd

Also of the following who served

Thomas Brown Robert J. Lilly William J. McMullan Joseph Steele
John C. Brown James McAuley Samuel Moore Archibald Steele
James Campbell Samuel McAuley James Moore James Steele
Samuel H. Crawford David McAuley Robert Sittlington Montgomery Todd
James Graham William H. McAuley Andrew Steele Robert Todd
Robert Hunter Joseph McKee Samuel Steele Alexander Todd
John M. Campbell Robert Crawford
W. Stewart Crawford



To the glory of God and in memory of those of this congregation who gave their lives in the World War

1939 - 1945

George McAuley, D.F.C. David McAuley
These also served
Hugh Blair Joseph McC. Kerr James McKay
Robert McK. Crawford Robert C. G. Kerr Robert Todd
William G. Kerr James Lilley Joseph A. Turk
William G. Kerr,  jnr. John Lilley James Wharry
Archibald McV. Kerr William H. McAuley Thomas J. Wharry
The electric lighting system in Church and Hall has been installed in their honour


Stained  Glass Window in North Wall:

Badge of the Waldensian Church (Italy)

"Lux in Tenebris"  -  Light in darkness

This window is erected to the memory of

George McFerran

an honoured elder and

generous benefactor of this Church

Died, 8th July, 1926.



Stained Glass Window in North Wall:

Badge of the World Presbyterian Alliance

"Lampades Multae Una Lux"  -  Many lamps, one light.

This window is erected to the memory of

Annie B. McFerran,

wife of George McFerran and daughter of Rev. James Carmichael, 

First Minister of this Church.

Died 28th March, 1906.



Stained Glass Window in East Wall:

Christ The King

Well done thou good and faithful servant

To the Glory of God and to honour his Master this window is set here by the widow of a faithful servant of Christ,

The Rev. James A. Hamilton Irwin,

Ph.d., D. Litt., minister of Lucan and Naas.



Plaque in Church Vestibule:


Affectionate Remembrance


Rev. James Carmichael

minister of this Church

from his Ordination on 24th May, 1832

to his death on 28th July, 1873

* * *

"The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all His works"


Plaque on North Wall of Church:

In memory


Rev. Samuel Boyce Clarke, M.A.

for 24 years minister of this congregation

Born 9th April, 1856  Died 1st July, 1915


his son Robert

who gave up his life serving in France

25th October 1915  (this should be 1917)



Plaque on East Wall:

To the Glory of God

and to perpetuate the 

memory of

C. H. Russell

The Chase, Ballygally

A man greatly beloved in this

district and Helen's Bay,

Co. Down

Erected by his cousin

Mrs. J. A. Hamilton Irwin



Plaque on East Wall:

To the Glory of God

and in memory of their grandson

Richard Calwell Tweed

who died on 23rd October 1988 age 4 years

The Public Address system is the gift of

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Tweed

22nd October 1989



Plaque on West Wall:

To the Glory of God

The Recording and Induction Loop system were presented by the Catering Ladies and from donations

in memory of

Miss Ellen Acheson

22nd October, 1989.




In Memory of

Stephen and Emily Brady

( Solar )

The gift of their daughter & son-in-law

William and Margaret E. Percy

May 1964



Communion Table:

In Memory of

Annie B. McFerran

wife of

George McFerran




Communion Table Chair:

To the Glory of God

and in memory of

Edmund Roberts Clarke

The gift of his widow





In Memory of

John Kirkpatrick


an Elder of this Church

The gift of his wife




In Memory Of

Robert  Crawford

{ Foxhall }

The gift of his wife Ellen

May 1964



Organ and Stool:

The Gift of

Lady Edith Dixon, D.B.E.,

38 Malone Park





Hymn Boards:

In Memory of

William Sutherland

( Drainsbay )

The gift of his wife Elizabeth

May 1964



Silver Rose Bowl:

Cairncastle Presbyterian Church

in memory of

William and Hester Morton

of Ballygilbert

"The Lord is my Shepherd"



Offering Plates:

These Offering Plates

are in memory of

Hugh and Martha McKay


The gift of their son William

May 1964



Good News Lectern Bible and Pulpit Hymn Book:

Presented by

the Stewart Family

in memory of

James Stewart

1918 - 1985

December 1985



Lectern Bible:

In Memory of

Samuel Crawford

{ Foxhall }

Presented by

His niece and her husband

Marion and Stanley Brennan

May 1964



Lectern Psalter and Hymnary:

Presented to the

Cairncastle Presbyterian Church

To the Glory of God and

in loving memory of

my dear Baby Brother

Alexander Smith MacDonald

Born Jan. 3 1895

Died July 1895

Violet Morrison, June 1951



Clock on Front of Gallery:

This Clock is the gift of

Hubert and Emily Wright

{ Solar }

in memory of

their son Percy Anderson

May 1964



Choir Chairs Presented as Memorials in May 1964:

In Memory Of: Presented By:
Oswald Brady


His son Stephen
Samuel McAuley,

Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada

(a childhood member of this Church)

His wife Doris E.
James Brennan


His daughter Annie
Joseph and Agnes Hunter (Corkermaine) Their grand-daughter Edith
Hamilton and Jane Robinson, (Ballygally) Their son Jack
Annie Brennan


Her daughter Annie
David H. McCulla


His wife
Agnes Sittlington


Her husband
John and Jane Acheson


Their son Robert
James Brady


His sister Margaret E. and brother-in-law William
Thomas G. Finlay


His daughter Phyllis
Mary E. McKee


Her daughter Mary
Martha E. Carmichael


Her sister Sarah



Choir Chairs Presented as Gifts in May 1964:

Margaret McLoughlin


Norman Anderson


Thomas and Eileen Peoples


Margery Boyd


William Boyd


James S. and Audrey H. Tweed,

Drains Bay

Samuel Buchanan


John A. Graham




Minister's Room:

To the Glory of God

and in memory of

Dirk Jager

The Desk, Chair and Clock

in this room are the gifts of

his family and friends

April, 1990



Hymn Book Holder:

In Memory of

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Brady




Cabinet In Vestibule:

In memory of

James Johnston Bell

Clerk of Session of this Church

1948 - 1962

The gift of his wife Mary

May 1964



In Vestibule Cabinet:

Communion Service

To the Glory of God

and in affectionate remembrance of

The Rev. Samuel Boyce Clarke M.A.

Ordained in this Church May 21st 1891

Died July 1st 1915


Communion Plates

In Memory of

James and Ellen Morrow


The gift of their daughter Ella

May 1964



Table in Vestibule:

The Gift of

Patrick and Maureen Wharry


May 1964



Vestibule Chairs:

In Memory of

Samuel Moore


The Gift of his sister Martha

May 1964


In Memory of

James and Mary Moore


The gift of their daughter Martha

May 1964



Vestibule Notice Board:

The Gift of

1st Cairncastle Companies

Girls' Life Brigade

and Boys' Brigade

May 1964



Church Notice Board:

In Memory of

John G. and Martha E. Rainey


The gift of their son James

May 1964


End of this record.



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