ACHMUTY of Brianstown
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Achmuty or Auchmuty

of Brianstown:

ACHMUTY, Thomas Gordon, Esq., of Brianstown, Co. Longford, late of the 3rd Dragoons, and Major of Brigade, s. his father in 1829; m. 2 Sept. 1811, Bridget Domvile, 7th dau. of Chas. Pocklington, Esq., who assumed the surname of Domvile under the Will of his maternal uncle, the Right Hon. Sir Compton Domvile, Bart.   By this lady Mr. Achmuty has an only dau., Margaret-Domvile, m. to Capt. Musters.

Mr. Achmuty, who is a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Longford, served as High Sheriff in 1824.


Arthur Auchmuty, b. in 1600, a descendant of the ancient Scottish house of Auchmuty, of that ilk, settled at Brianstown, Co. Longford.    This gentleman, known as "Captain Auchmuty," assisted at the defence of Castle Forbes against the Irish rebels in 1641.      He d. in 1698, having had by Martha, his wife, two sons and one dau., viz.

        1.  Arthur, his heir.

        2.  John, (Capt.,) of Newtown Flood, in Co. Longford, M.P. for the Borough of St. Johnstown; m. Isabella, dau. of the Rev. James Stirling, Rector of Temple Michael, and d. in 1722, leaving, with two daus., Martha, wife of James Dodd, Esq., of Ardagh, and Helen, m. to Toby Dodd, Esq., five sons, viz,

                       Arthur, whose line is extinct.

                       James, Dean of Armagh, grandfather of John Auchmuty, Seneschal of the Manor of Mullingar.

                       Forbes,   d. s. p.

                       Richard,  d. s. p. and

                       Robert, Judge of the Admiralty in New England, whose son, the Rev. Samuel Auchmuty, D.D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York, had (with three daus.,

                                                  Mary Juliana, m. to Gen. George Frederick Mulcaster;

                                                  Isabella, m. to __ Burton, Esq., and

                                                  Jane, m. to Richard Tylden, Esq., of Milsted,)


          3.   Catherine, m. to William Lawder, Esq.


The elder son,

Arthur Auchmuty, Esq., of Brianstown, m. Elizabeth, dau. of David Rhynd, of Enniskillen, Merchant, and dying in 1696, left [with five daus.,

                          Margaret, m. to Anthony Jessop, Esq., of Doory Hall;

                          Martha, m. to Captain Deane;

                          Isabella, m. to Morgan Galbraith, Esq.,

                          Jane, to Francis Fetherston, Esq., and

                          Elizabeth, to Lieut. Carruthers ] a son and successor,

                          Thomas Achmuty, Esq., of Brianstown, who m. Dorcas, dau. of Samuel Towneley, of Moygne Hall, Co. Cavan, by Dorcas, his wife, dau. and co-heir of Roger Moygne, son of Thomas Moygne, Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh, and had issue,

                                            Samuel, his heir.

                                            John, who perished at sea.

                                            Thomas, an Officer of Dragoons, who left by his wife, a dau. of ____ Eyre, of Eyre Court, two daus.

                                            Towneley, of Dublin, who left, with other issue,

                                                  Robert, of Dublin, whose son

                                                        Robert, Lieut. R.N. m. his cousin, Alicia Auchmuty, and has a son,


                     Thomas, of Madeira and of Bath, father of,

                           Thomas, Col. in the Madras Army, who m. his cousin, Miss Staples, and had a son,

                                             William, of Log House, in the Co. of Tyrone, who is m. and has issue.

                                                    Arthur, M.D. (see Auchmuty of Kilmore).

Mr. Auchmuty d. 13 March 1712, and was s. by his eldest son.

Samuel Auchmuty, Esq., of Brianstown, who m. Mary, eldest dau. of John King, Esq., of Charlestown, Co. Roscommon, grandson of Edward King, Bishop of Elphin, and had (with four daughters, Elizabeth, m. to Sir Ralph Fetherston, Bart., Judith, wife of Thomas Achmuty, Esq., Dorcas, wife of John Bomford, Esq., and Frances, wife of Captain Piers) three sons.

( This part is not yet complete - more to be added later )


Arms:-      Arg., a broken spear bendwise between two spur rowels of six points, az, pierced of the field.   Another coat, "Arg. two spur rowels in chief, pierced of the field, and a spear's head in base, az." is also used; quartering, Gordon.

Crest:-      An arm embowed in armour, holding a broken spear, the arm ppr, the lance az.

Motto:-     Dum spire spero.






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