Ambala Cemetery
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Ambala Cemetery - Military Inscriptions:



Ambala District - Military Inscriptions:




25  March 1844 ALDRIDGE,  Edward Sacred to the Memory of Riding Master Edward Aldridge 4th Lancers who died March 25th 1844 aged 43 years.
25 Aug. 1847 ATKINSON,  J. B. Sacred to the Memory of Captain J. S. Atkinson, Her Majesty's 61st Regt. who died at Umballa on the 25th August 1847. Aged 58 1/12 Years.
24 May 1853 AUSTEN,  G. P. Sacred to the memory of Captain G. P. Austen 18th Regiment N.I. who died at Umballa 24th May 1853, aged 42 years.
8 Dec 1852 BOLTON,  John Campbell Sacred to the memory of John Campbell Bolton, Ensign and Riding Master, 2nd Regt. Light Cavalry, who departed this life on the 8th of December1852, aged 54 years.  Sincerely regretted by all who knew him.  God's will be done.
19  Dec. 1843 BOURKE,  Theophilus John Sacred to the Memory of Theophilus John Bourke late Lieutenant in Her Majesty's 31st Foot Who departed this Life the 19th Dec. 1843. Aged 29 years.  This tomb is Erected by his Brother Officers to Mark their Esteem.
13 Dec. 1846 BRICKDALE,  J. F. Sacred to the Memory of Lieut. & Adjutant J. F. Brickdale, Her Majesty's 61st Regt. who departed this life on the 13th Dec. 1846.  Aged 23 Years & 2 Months. Deeply regretted by his Brother Officers.
19 May 1848 CORMICK,  Edward Sacred to the Memory of Captain Edward Cormick, Paymaster 3rd K. O. Light Dragoons who departed this life on the 19th May 1848. Aged 63 Years, Deeply and Sincerely regretted by his family and friends.
28 Feb 1851 CUNNINGHAM,  Joseph Davey To Captain Joseph Davey Cunningham, Bengal Engineers, born 9 June 1812 - died 28 Feb: 1851.
27  Nov. 1844 DALRYMPLE,  M. S. M. S. Dalrymple, Surgeon, Ob: November 27th 1844.
30 May 1847 DOUGLAS,  C. Sacred to the Memory of Major C. Douglas, Her Majesty's 61st Regiment.  Eldest son of Lieut. General Sir Howard Douglas, G.C.B. who departed this life at Umballa on the 30th May 1847. Aged 49 Years.  Deeply and Sincerely regretted by his friends who have erected this simple monument to his memory and worth.
July 1844 ELSEGOOD,  Frederick James Sacred to the Memory of The Late Frederick James Elsegood, Lieut. Interpreter and Quarter Master 44th Regt. N. I. Who deptd. this Life on the 5th July 1844 aged 25 years.  This Tomb is Erected by his Brother Officers.
24 Feb. 1851 FARRINGTON, Henry Wortham Sacred to the memory of Major Henry Wortham Farrington of the Invalid Establishment, formerly of the 2nd Regiment Bengal Grenadiers, who died at Umballa on the 24th February, 1851.  aged 52 years, after a long and painful illness which he bore with exemplary patience and resignation, this monument is erected by his affectionate wife. He rests in peace, and in the hope of a glorious resurrection through the merits of his redeemer, I shall go to him but he shall not return to me.
3 Sept 1854 FOGARTY,  G. T. Sacred to the memory of G. T. Fogarty Esquire late Surgeon, 70th Regiment N.I. who died at Umballah on the 3rd September 1854.  This Tomb has been erected by the Officers of the Regiment as a mark of their esteem.
11 Nov. 1847 FRUSHARD,  James Sacred to the Memory of Colonel James Frushard, of the Bengal Army who during a service of Forty Two years in India, earned for himself the reputation of a good soldier, an honourable man and a true Christian, who having raised & disciplined the 2nd European Regt. commanded it for nine successive years and died in the love & esteem of all.  This monument is erected by his comrades & friends, the officers & men of his regt.  Obit. AD. 11th Nov. 1847. Aetat; 59 years.
18 July 1849 GILBERT,  Francis M. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Francis M. Gilbert, 2nd Regt. Grenadiers aged 24 years who was killed whilst aiding in extinguishing a fire in the lines on the 18th July 1849 at this station.
3 Oct 1852 HARDY,  Francis Erected by the Officers of Her Majesty's 75th Regt. In Memory of Lieut. Francis Hardy, Born 17th Aug. 1830 - Died 3rd Oct. 1852.
21 Feb. 1851 HILL,  Sir Dudley St. Leger Sacred to the memory of Major General Sir Dudley St. Leger Hill, K.C.B. Colonel of H.M. 50th Regt. who died at Umballah while in command of the Sirbind division on the 21st February 1851.
28 March 1848 HODGSON,  John Anthony Sacred to the Memory of John Anthony Hodgson, of Sheraton, in the County of Durham, Major General Bengal Army, and Colonel of the 14th Regt. B.N.I. who departed this life at Umballah on the 28th March 1848, aged 71 years.  "Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord for they rest from their labour."
24 Aug. 1844 JENKINS,  I. E. Sacred to the Memory of I. E. Jenkins, Late Assistant Surgeon in Her Majesty's 31st Regt. Who departed this Life on the 24th Day of August 1844.  Aged 27 Years.  This tomb is Erected by his Brother Officers to Mark their Esteem.
14 Oct. 1843 JENKINS,  T. G. Sacred to the Memory of Ensign T. G. Jenkins, 55th Regt. Bengal N. I. Died 14th Oct. 1843.  Also of Ensign C. Semple, 55th Regt. Bengal N. I. Drowned in the Sutledge, 14th Jan. 1844.
24 May 1853 JOHNSTON,  J. L. Erected by the Officers of Her Majesty's 75th Regt.  In Memory of Asst. Surgeon J. L. Johnston Born 23rd March 1824. Died 24th May 1853.
2 Sept. 1845 LEECH,  Robert;  C. B. Sacred to the Memory of Major Robert Leech, C. B. of the Bombay Engineers, Born Dec. 7th 1813.  Died at Umballa Sept. 2nd 1845.  A most distinguished Oriental Scholar, and one of the first European Officers who entered and one of the last who left Affghanistan during the time of British occupation of that Country.  This stone is erected by a widowed Mother to the Memory of her last surviving son.
9 Sept. 1844 LOWTHER,  William Sacred to the Memory of the Late William Lowther, Lieut. 41st Regt. N. I. Who departed this Life on the 9th Sept. 1844.  Aged 29 Years.  This tomb is Erected by his Brother Officers.
13 Dec. 1850 REES,  Crawford Mitford In Memory of Crawford Mitford Rees, Captain 65th Regt. N.I. who died at Amballah on the 13th December 1850 Aged 36 Years.  This testamonial was erected by his brother Officers.
14 Jan. 1844 SEMPLE,  C. Sacred to the Memory of Ensign T. G. Jenkins 55th Regt. Bengal N. I. Died 14th Oct. 1843.  Also of Ensign C. Semple, 55th Regt. Bengal N. I. Drowned in the Sutledge, 14th Jan. 1844.
27 Nov. 1846 SMITH,  James Sacred to the Memory of James Smith Esq. M.D. Surgeon; Her Majesty's 61st Regt. who departed this life on the 27th November 1846.  Aged 60 Years.  This monument is erected by his Brother Officers.
5 June 1845 SMITH,  Weston John To The Memory of Weston John Smith, Ensign 63rd Regt. Who departed this Life on the 5th of June 1845.  This Monument is erected by his Brother Officers.
12 Sept 1853 ST. JOHN,  Charles Sacred to the memory of Charles St. John M.D. late Inspector General Her Majesty's Hospitals in India who died at Umballa on 12th September 1853 in the 63rd year of his age.  This tomb is erected by the Members of the Medical Department who had served with him in India as a token of the esteem in which he was held by them.









TODD,  Marian


TODD,  E. D'Arcy

"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life thro' Jesus Christ our Lord"  Here rests all that was mortal of Marian, the beloved wife of Captain E. D'Arcy Todd, H. A. and eldest Daughter of B. L. Sandham, Esq.  She died at Umballa on the 9th of December 1845.  Aged 23 Years and 8 Months.  Her afflicted Husband after placing the remains of his wife in this spot, marched for the seat of war and arrived in time to take part in the Battle of Moodkee on the 18th of December 1845 at Ferozeshah.  On the 21st of that Month in the 39th Year of his age he found an honourable death while commanding 2nd Troop 1st Brigade H. A.  Their memory is cherished deeply in the hearts of sorrowing Relatives and by them this tomb has been erected.
26 June 1844 URMSTON,  Sacred to the Memory of Major Urmston, Her Majesty's 31st Foot. Who deptd. this Life The 26th of June 1844 Aged 50 Years.  This tomb is Erected by his Brother Officers, to Mark their Esteem.
22 Sept. 1848 WHITE,  H. W. Sacred to the memory of H. W. White, Lieut. Her Majesty's 3rd or King's Own Light Dragoons who departed this life September 22nd 1848.  Aged 28 Years, Deeply and Sincerely regretted by his relatives and friends.
3 July 1846 WHITE,  R. T. Sacred to the Memory of Ensign R. T. White, 26th N. I. Who departed this Life July 3rd 1846. Aged 20 Years and 6 Months.  Deeply and sincerely regretted, by his Relatives and Friends.





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