Celbridge Churchyard
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Celbridge Churchyard - Co. Kildare:

This churchyard is situated at the south end of the town of Celbridge in the Parish of Kildrought.




ANNESLEY "William ANNESLEY Aged 63 lyes here, / With him Hezekiah, Thos, and Elizabeth. Dear / his children three, by Isaac his kind son / Their loveing Brother this Tomb Stone was Done, / To shew their Graves ye same he this Did Make / Till God's Loud Trumpet Shall bid ye dead awake."
BALLENDINE  &  GREEN "Here Lyeth the Body of Elener / GREEN who dyed in July 1734. / As allso the Body of Arthur / BALLENDINE who died in the / year 1735.

The Honourable Mrs. Catherine / Conolly in Memory of their long / and faithfull service to her, caused / this Stone to be placed on their Graves 1735."

BURNELL  &  TERRIL "Here lyeth the / Body of Moris TERRIL / Jnr.  Dyed ye 22d. of July / Aged 2 : y :  Also Charles / BVRNELL Dy : ye 2d. Sept. / 1733."
CONOLLY "Here Lyeth [the] / Body of JAMES .................. / (which was Gard[ener at] / Castletown to His ........... / Excellency William CON / OLLY) who departed this / life Janry the 10th 1729 / Aged 54 years."
FENAUGHTY "Here Lyeth the / Body of THOMAS / FENAVGHTY who deceased October the 20th Anno / Domny 1717. "
FOORD "Here lieth the Body of / Nicholas FOORD son to Tho / mas Foord and Elizabeth / WARD, who deceased the 6th / of March 1708."
GREEN  &  BALLENDINE "Here Lyeth the Body of Elener / GREEN who dyed in July 1734. / As allso the Body of Arthur / BALLENDINE who died in the / year 1735.

The Honourable Mrs. Catherine / Conolly in Memory of their long / and faithfull service to her, caused / this Stone to be placed on their Graves 1735."

HARPER "Here lyeth the Body of / Mrs. Su: HARPER of Straffan / who departed this life the 5th / of 7ber 1737 in the 38th year of / her age.  Also the Body of the Revd. / Saml. HARPER who decd. May / the 17th 1774 Aged 51 years."
HODGSON "Townley HODGSON son of Lemuel Hodgson and Honor his wife, Descended from the Hodgsons of Cumberland.  And Townleys of Lancashire,         Obiit 6 Aprilis A.D. 1734  AEtatis 29.

Here lieth the Body of Honor HODGSON aforesaid who died the .... of June 1754 Aged 75.  Also Robert HODGSON late of the City of Dublin Esqr. Bror. of the said Townley who died 22d. April 1756 Aged 54.  And Townley his son who died an infant in 1752."

PARISH "Here lieth ye Body / of Peter PARISH late / Mr. of ye Charity Schol / of Celbridg who deptd. / this Life ye 31st July 1750 / Aged 74 years."
ROBISON "Here lieth the / Body of Jane ROBISON / wife to James Robison / who died Sept. the 1st 1721."
TERRIL  &  BURNELL "Here lyeth the / Body of Moris TERRIL / Jnr.  Dyed ye 22d. of July / Aged 2 : y :  Also Charles / BVRNELL Dy : ye 2d. Sept. / 1733."
TILBRI "This Stone / was erected by Dimes / TILBRI in Memory of his / Father William TILBRI who / departed this life Dec. / ye 24th 1739 Aged ....."






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