Curraclone Churchyard
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Curraclone Churchyard - Queen's County:

This churchyard contains the ruins of a modern Protestant church which was replaced by one on another site about half a mile away.  This churchyard lies within the Parish of Curraclone.  A large over-ground vault belonging to the Walsh family of Ballykilcavan, is situated at the east end of the churchyard.  Over the built-up entrance is a small tablet inscribed:


G. H. W.




Colinan The following inscription is very rudely cut on a small headstone, not far from the entrance gate.

"Here lies the / Bodie of Catherine / COLINAN of Margare / COLINAN and of / John COLINAN who / departed this life / in April & May / 1727."

Greenham Two table tombs, beside one another, at the west end of the ground, bear the following inscriptions:

"Here lieth the Body of Henry / GREENHAM who departed this life December 22nd 1808 aged 74 / years."

Greenham "Here lieth the Body of Miss / Anne GREENHAM who departed / this life January 4th 1814 Aged 32 / years. / Also her Sister Rachel COSBY who / departed this life January 15 1805 / Aged 29 years."
Kelly On the south side of the above vault is a flat slab with this inscription:

"Here lieth the Body of William KELLY / who departed this life July ye 21st / 1763 Aged 82 years.  Also his Grand-daughter / Maria McLOUGHLIN of Cloneybacon."

Neale On a flat slab on the south side of the church ruins is:

"Here lieth ye Body of James NEALE  / depd. June ye 18 1764 Aged 68 years. / Also Esther NEALE alias STORY depd. 8ber / 23rd 1764 Aged 27 years."






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