John Rait:
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John Rait and Alexander Dean

Crime of Breaking of Gardens:


John Rait & Alexander Dean, for Breaking of Gardens.
Year 1623

The prisoners were indicted at the instance of His Majesty's Advocate for breaking into the gardens of *Barnton, Pilton, Barnbougle, Greycrook, Craigie-Hall, and Carlowry, and stealing thence herbs, artichock plants, sybows, i.e., young onions, and bee-hives.  They had formerly been convicted before an inferior judicature, for breaking gardens in the neighbourhood of Musselburgh; and by warrant of the Privy Council, which was produced in Court, they were sentenced to be taken to the Burrow-Muir of Edinburgh, and there hanged.

*   Records of Justiciary, July 11. 1625.





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