St Cedmas - Larne:
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St. Cedmas Parish Churchyard - Larne:


The Parish of Larne & Inver, Larne, Barony of Upper Glenarm, Co. Antrim.



{ Coat of Arms }

"Here Lyeth ye Bodies of Hugh Manfod Who died Oct ye 15th 1751 Aged 75 years  also his Firft Wife Elizabeth Snodey Died Aug ye 12 1726."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here lyeth the body of Margaret Snody first wife to Robert Mearns who died Nov the 17 1709 and his 2 sons viz  John who died May the 25 1717 and Thomas died July the 15 1729 & his grand child Martha Willson died Feb the 28 1733    Also the above Robert Mearns Tanner in Larne died Feb the 7 1734 aged 76 years.    Thomas Wilson died June 28 1750 aged 28 years.   James Wilson died 16 November 1750 aged 60 years.   Robert Wilson died 25 December 1759 aged 44 years.    Also John Wilson who died Dec the 27 1766 aged 43 years.   Likewise Jean Wilson who died March the 23rd 1768 aged 71 years."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here lyeth the body of June Dugat wife to John Montgomery merchant in Larne, who died October the 28 1752 aged 43 years.   Also 4 children to witt Margaret, Robert, Hugh and Mary Ann.    Likewise Jane their daughter who died May the 13 1760 aged 19 years,  & James who died 8 April 1763 aged 25 years.   On the 24 Feb. 1782 died the Above named John Montgomery aged 72 years.    Archibald Barklie of Inver, Born July 22 1780, died July 27 1861.    His wife Helen, grand-daughter of the above John Montgomery, born Decr. 1786 died Sept 18, 1861.    Also their sons,  John Montgomery, born Sept. 13, 1823, died July 9, 1831.  James McDonnell, born March 12 1825, died at Rome, April 13, 1861 and buried in the English Cemetery there.   Hugh McCalmont born Jan 22 1827, died July 26, 1865  Buried at Rashee, in this County."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here lyeth The body of Robert Montgomery who departed this life 29th Jan 1780 aged 80 years and 8 of his Children.   And to the memory of his Grandson, Samuel Morrow who departed this Life on the 21st of December 1868 aged 84 years.   Also his beloved Wife Margaret Morrow, who departed this Life on the 26th of January 1837, aged 57 years."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here lyeth the bodies of three children of Alexander McHarg viz John a child & Margaret who died April 29th 1776 aged 5 years.     Also a 2d John.    Also their father Alexr. Meharg departed this life 25th Septr. 1812 aged 72 years."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here lyeth the body of Mary McMunn who died Augt. 21st. 1770 aged 30 years, & Andrew McMunn Who died April 12th 1771 aged 70 years,  Also 4 children of his viz.  Sarah, James & 2 Andrews."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here Lyeth ye Body of Robert Murdoch Merchant in Larne who died ye Jany 5th 1742 aged 85 years."


{ Coat of Arms }

"Here [lyeth] the body of William M[unro] who departed this life Ju[                    ] aged 66 years,   al[so] his daughter(?) Jane Peyto who dep[arted] this life Dec 8th 1[7]97 [aged] 43 years and his daughter Ann Ferres who died  Jan 20 1802 aged 44 [yea]rs.   Also his son David [who] departed this life [                 ]   [                    ] aged 48 years,   [                ] Wife Mary Munro who [depa]rted this life 19th July 1804 aged 90 years."

"No more Munros shall cross the Tropick Line,  Nor bid his crew defy the Polar wave,  Or spread more sail to leave their foe behind. Here lies the landlocked in the Silent grave"

"Also Nancy wife of David Munro Who departed this life 28th Sept 1814 aged 76 years."






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