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Kent - Records:


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My Record Ref: City, Town or Village (nearest or pertaining to record) Parish

( if known )

Name of Record, Church or Graveyard Type of Record Date or Period Covered
001 - KEN Bromley - Bromley Journal & West Kent Herald Births, Marriages & Deaths 1876-1880
002 - KEN Bromley - Bromley Journal & West Kent Herald Births, Marriages & Deaths 1881-1885
003 - KEN Lydd Lydd Monumental Inscriptions of All Saints Parish Church & Churchyard M.I.s From 1430
004 - KEN Lydd Lydd Great War Memorial M.I.s 1914-1918
005 - KEN Stone - St. Mary's Female Penitentiary Census Census & Indexes 1871, 1881, and 1891.
006 - KEN Sutton-At-Hone - Church of St. John the Baptist  Marriage Indexes: 1813-1837
Baptism Indexes: 1813-1840
Memorial Inscriptions: -





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