Larne Directory 1910
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Larne Directory 1910

Taken from Belfast and Ulster Town Directory - 1910:


Surname Other Names Address Details


ADRAIN Dr. James Main Street -
ANDERSON - Bridge Street Ironmonger & Grocer.
ATKINS & Co. - 2 Dunluce Street Linen & Woollen Drapers; Silk Mercers; Hatters; Glovers; and Outfitters.
APSLEY S and L., - High Class Stationers and Newsagents.
ATKINSON Mrs., 15 Irene Terrace, Glenarm Road -
ATKINSON The Misses., 3 Clonlee -
AUSTIN William Pound Street Grocer.


BAILIE Samuel Kilwaughter Kilwaughter Lime Works.
BARKLIE J & A - Linen Merchants & Bleachers.
BARR Thomas Agnew Street Outfitter &c.
BARTON George The Arcade, Dunluce Street and Point Street Merchant Tailor; General Draper; Milliner &c.
BAXTER Mrs., Wm. Main Street Hotel Proprietor.
BELL John State Line Hotel, Main Street -
BLAIR Mrs., Temperance Hotel, Station Road -
BONUGLI Fedele - Confectioner and Ice Cream Merchant.
BOYD James Curran Street Grocer and Merchant.
BOYD John Dunluce Street Boot & Shoe Maker.
BROWN W. N. & C. J., Larne Weaving Co., -
BRUCE John Point Street Roper.
BUCHANAN Mrs., James Main Street Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer.
BUCHANAN Rev. C. H. L.,  M. A., Kilwaughter -
BURTON Robert Roddens Villa -
BUSTARD A. V., Gardenmore House -


CAMPBELL Mrs. Barnhill -
CAMPBELL D., & Co., Bridge Street and Dunluce Street Woollen Drapers.
CANNING John A., Edenvale, Roddens -
CARLETON Goodwin H., Dunluce Street Pharmaceutical Chemist and Photographic Requisites.
CARMICHAEL John Clonlee -
CARSON N., Larne Markets -
CARSON T., Pound Street Groceries, Provision and Coal Merchant.
CHAINE W.,  D.L., Cairncastle Lodge -
CLARKE Mrs. Stewart Cairndhu -
CLEARKIN Thomas Ardnagreen, Victoria Street -
CLOSE M., Dunluce Street Newsagent and Stationer, Fancy Goods, &c.
COEY James Ardeen, Roddens -
COEY The Misses Ardeen, Roddens -
COMPTON James Station Road -
COUSINS J. F., Bay Road -
CRAWFORD John - Wine & Spirit Merchant.
CRAWFORD P., Main Street Innkeeper.
CRAWFORD Samuel Main Street Spirit Grocer.
CRAWFORD William Main Street Spirit Merchant
CROOKS John 1 Olderfleet Cottages -
CROOKS J. S.,  M.R.C.V.S., Main Street -
CROOKS W. J., Model Farm -
CUTHBERT J. 13 Pound Street Draper.


DALE W. J., Stanley Villa -
DALLAT C., Main Street Carpenter.
DAVISON Charles Station Street Tailor and Draper.
DEVINE James Point Street Fishmonger.
DIAMOND Mary Victoria Street Grocer.
DONAGHY Rev. John Lyle The Manse -
DRUMMOND John Mill Street Spirit Dealer.
DRISCOLL W. J., Cathline Villas, Curran Street -
DUMMER E. G., Cross Street & Dunluce St. Royal Private and Commercial Hotel (Late Lester's).


EARLS Mary Pound Street Milliner.
ECCLES William Main Street -
ENGLISH Captain Thomas Bonavista Terrace -
ENGLISH John Thorndale Avenue -
ENGLISH Thomas F., Main Street Baker.
EVANS David Point Street Spirit Merchant.
EVANS Joseph Point Street Spirit Merchant


FALLOON Miss Main Street -
FEENEY Mrs., Pound Street Spirit Merchant.
FERRIS BROS., - Dunluce Street, Larne, and Shaftesbury Square, Belfast. Drapers, Milliners, and High Class Dressmakers.
FERRIS James Circular Road Builder and Contractor.
FISHER Mrs., Alfred Invermore -




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