Chichester Memorials
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City of Chichester - Sussex:

List of where all Memorials, Stained Glass, Wall Plaques and Rolls of Honour are situated:


All Saints Church, Portfield St. Bartholomews, Mount Lane, Westgate
St. George Church, Cleveland Road St. Pancras Church
St. Paul's Church St. Peter the Less, North Street (now demolished)
Southgate Methodist Church (now demolished - memorial now in Christ Church, Southgate) Bishop Otter College, College Lane
Graylingwell Hospital Church Royal West Sussex Hospital, Broyle Road
Chapel, Royal Military Police Barracks, Broyle Road Chichester Grammar School (now Chichester High School for Boys)
Prebendal School (Cathedral Choir School) Chichester Cathedral
Police Station, Chichester Shippams Factory, East Street / East Walls
War Memorial, The Litten, St. Pancras Chichester Cemetery (War Graves - including those for British, Australian, New Zealanders, Canadian, American, Czeck, Polish, Irish and Rhodesian soldiers)




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