Rhos Crowther Church
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Rhos Crowther Church


North Transept

North Transept – Belonging to a property in the Parish, called Hentland, and formerly In the possession of the White family of great importance in the reign of Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I, a plain alter tomb under the window.


"Heare Lyeth the Bodyes of

Griffith White Esquior

who deceased the ??

of March Anno Dominy 1589

twise High Shireffe of the Countey of Pembrok.

and also heare

lyeth the Bodye

of Margarett Watkins

his wife who deceased

the 7th of June 1600."


Three Shields of Arms.

White (quartered with others unknown.)

E. P. 1773.



Hentland Aisle

(Badly Worn)


Shield of Arms of White and Butler


"Here lies the body of Griffith

White, Sonne and Heire Apparent of

Henry White of Hennlann, Esq., who

died ye 9 of De                  31 yeare

of his age                       be his wife,

only daughter of Griffith Dawes  

of Ban                Esqre who died the

5th of S                               2 yeare of

her age                             Mary their

daughter                    ted this life the

4th of August                      15 weekes

ovld                                  yeare 1668

Loo                            father & mother

S                                       each other

                                        next Mother





                                           ly  goes to

the Mother                          ree Month




The Chancel

On a slab in the floor at the east end, south side of Communion Table:

(Badly Worn)


“His ……………………………..

Pembrock Baront by Ann one of T E daughters of Right Honourable

Sir John Pe……………………..  second son unto Sir ………………ips

of Picton in Cov.”


[note:  There are two large slab stones with crosses incised; one was found under the Communion Rails.  It has four small crosses in the corner besides the large long one. The other had only one long cross; it was found under the Reading Desk.  The first was probably the altar stone of the church, the second the altar of the Eastington chancel, for its measurements exactly corresponded with marks in the eastern wall. These have now been placed on the Chancel floor, in the situation least likely to be trodden on.]


South Chancel

"Here lyeth the Body of Grace Dawes second sister to Griffith Dawes of

Benieston Esq.  Shee …………………………………………. was ……………………..

…………………………………………………………….E. R. / 1643 Vnto Willi / am UIARE now of

Eas / t  ……. Esq. and De / parted this life the …….. July 1686. / And had by her husband / 5



[Here follow thirteen lines totally illegible, but seemingly written the opposite way.]





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