St Martins Churchyard
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St Martin's Churchyard - Co. Kilkenny:

This old churchyard is situated within the Parish of St Martin's and approximately 21/2 miles south east of Kilkenny City.  The actual church is in ruins & covered with Ivy.





BERGIN "Here Lies ye Body of / Peter BERGIN who / depd. 1st May ye 3rd 1760 / Aged 69 yrs.  Also An / Bergin his wife & his / 4 sons & 1 daughter."

D. O. M.

"God be Merciful to the / Soul of James BERGIN he / Died December. the 18th 1771 / Aged 40 yrs. with 2 of his sons."




"Here lies ye Body of Catherine / CARROLE als RIAN who died Ocbr. / ye 26th 1760 Aged 35 yrs. as also / her son Thomas who died Apl. / ye 3rd 1763 Aged 23 yrs. Lord have / Mercy on their Souls."

CARROLL "Erected by Mary Carroll, alias Kealy / of Ballyfoyle in memory of her husband / James CARROLL who died April 2nd 1842 / Aged 47 years.  Also one of his children / who died young."


"Erected by Mrs. Ellen Carthy / in memory of her beloved husband / Mr. John CARTHY / who departed this life / on the 7th June 1830 / Also her son Martin Carthy / who departed this life / on the 14th of September 1828 / Aged 11 years. / Also the above Ellen Carthy alias POWER, / who died 24th May 1865 aged 75 years.  Also / Daniel mc Carthy who departed this life / the 13th February 1879 aged 58 years."




"Here lies the Body of Bridget / CARTY who departed Septemr. / the 29 1796 agd 63 yrs.  Also / her sister Mary aged 17 yrs. / May the (sic) rest in peace.  Amen."


D. O. M.

"Here lieth the Body of John / CARTY who died March 4th / 1759 Aged 79 yrs.  Also his son / Owen Carty who died April / the 24th 1781 Aged 54 yrs. with 7 of / his children.  Lord have mercy / on their souls.  Amen."



"Erected by / Michael Cassen of Balyreden / in memory of his Father Martin CASSIN / of Templemartin / who died December 23rd 1852 / Aged 73 Years. / Also his Mother Mrs. Cassin alias FLEMING / who died March 21st 1855 / Aged 75 years. / Also his brother Matthew Cassin who / died June 22nd 1840 aged 29 years. / Also his sister Margaret Cassin / Who died December 4th 1849 / Aged 26 years."


DENEEFE "Here Lieth the Body of / Robert DENEEFE who died / April the 8th 1758 Aged 69 yrs. / Erected by his son Thomas / Deneefe."
DENEEFE  / MARTIN "Here lies ye Body of / Thos. DENEEFE who depd. / May ye 8th 1763 Aged 48 / years.  Also his wife / Anstace DENEEFE alias / MARTIN Depd. Jany. / 1765, Agd. 44 years."
DORAN  / BYRNE / DUNN "Erected by Mrs. Honor Byrne als Doran / in memory of her Fath. Patk. DORAN who / depd. 14th of April 1784 aged 72 yrs. / also her Mothr. Mary Doran als. DUNN / who depd. Augt. 10th 1782 Aged 58 years."
DOWLING "Here lies the Body of Andrew DOWLING who / depd. this Life Janry. the 7th 1793 aged 37 yrs. / Also his brother James Dowling depd. Novr. the / 2nd 1781 Aged 11 yrs.  May they rest in peace."
DOYLE "Here lieth the body of Michael / DOYLE who depd. this life Decembr. / 10th 1801 aged 56 years."




GLENDON "Erected by Martin Glendon in memory / of his beloved wife Cathne. GLENDON / alias LANNEN who depd. this life 27th of / Sepr. 1832 aged 46 years."



[a crown and cross]

"Erected / to the memory of / Michael HENNESSEY of Maddoxtown / died December 2nd 1862 / Aged 36 years. / Also two of his children who died young. / R. I. P."


I. H. S.

"Erected by Margaret Hudson als Phelan in memory of her beloved husband George HUDSON of the / City of Kilkenny, Victualler, who depd. this life / 9th Novr. 1817 aged 40 yrs. with 3 of her children / who died young.  Also his mother Honora / Hudson als Walsh who died May 4 1781 aged / 40 yrs.  Also his first cousin Mary WALSH who died / 1st June 1810 aged 20 yrs.  Also the above / Margt. Hudson, she depd. this life Sept. 11th, 1823 aged / 37 years."





"Here lieth ye body of Oliver / KAITING son to William Kaiting / who depd. March ye 12th / 1763 Aged 26 years.  Lord have mercy on his soul."

KAVANAUGH  /  NOWLAN "Here lies the Body of Edmond / KAVANAUGH who depd. this Life / April the 22nd 1787 aged 70 years. / Also his wife Catherine Kavanaugh / als NOWLAN died March the 5th / 1783, aged 56 yrs. with three sons / and one daughter.  May their Souls rest in Peace. Amen / Also the Body of Daniel Kavanaugh." 

[Note: - more inscription under ground level.]

KEATING  / COMMERFORD "Here lieth ye Body of Elenor / KEATING alias COMMERFORD wife / of William Keating who Depd. / Sept. 11 1762 Aged 56 yrs."


LAWLIS "Erected by Mary Lawlis / in memory of her husband / Robert LAWLIS who depd. / this life Novr. 25th 1794 Aged 60 years.  Also his / son John Lawlis who depd. / this life May 27th 1808 / Aged 26 years."
LOUGHMAN "Here lieth ye Body of Michael / LOUGHMAN who died June / ye 2. 1760 Aged 70 years. / Also ye Body of Philip Lou / ghman who died Xber ye 7th / 1762 Aged 23 yrs. / Also Thos. Loughman / Aged 24 years."
LOUGHMAN "Here lieth ye Body of / Patrick LOUGHMAN of / Arghard Rath who / Died / Decembr. ye 8th 1760. "

[Note: - rest of inscription is under ground level]


I. H. S.

"Erected by Thomas Loughman / of St. John's Place Kilkenny / in memory of his Father / Patrick LOUGHMAN / who died January 3rd 1850 aged 56 yrs. / Also his Mother Catherine Loughman / who died July 31st 1844 aged 44 years. / Also three of their children who died young."

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I. H. S.


"Concerning them that are asleep be not / sorrowful for if we believe that Jesus / died and rose, even so them who have / slept through Jesus will God bring with Him. -  St. Paul Epist. to Thess. ch. iv. 12, 13."

"Here lie interred the remains of James NOWLAN / of Templemartin who departed this life / on the 20th of November, 1834, in the 78th / year of his age. / Also the remains of Peter his son who / died on the 24 April 1824 aged 24 yrs. / In the grave adjoining are deposited the / remains of Peter Nowlan M.D. brother / of James who died May 15th 1824 in his 50th year. / Also the remains of / Johanna Nowlan (alias) Walsh / the beloved wife of James / who died May 16th 1847 / in the 74 year of her age / May they rest in peace.  Amen."


"Blessed are the Dead who died in the Lord."

I. H. S.

"Merciful Jesus / give rest to the Souls of / Patrick NOWLAN / of Templemartin / who died December 15th 1849 / Aged 53 years. / Johanna Nowlan, his eldest daughter / who died November 26th 1846 / Aged 9 years. / Maria Nowlan his youngest daughter / who died May 19th 1883 / Aged 35 years. / Mary Nowlan, alias SHORTALL / the beloved wife of / Patrick, who died Sept. 17th, 1886 / Aged 86 years. / James Nowlan of Templemartin / (a devoted son and brother) has erected / this monument in loving memory / of those whose remains lie beneath. / May they rest in Peace. Amen."


I. H. S.

"In memory of / Reverend Mother / Augustine NOWLAN / second daughter of / Patrick Nowlan / of Templemartin / who died at Tullamore Convent / on 31st October 1889 / may she rest in peace. / James Nowlan of Templemartin (her brother) who erected this monument / departed this life May 5th 1891 / aged 50 years / R.I.P."

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I. H. S.


"This stone was erected by John Phelan / in memory of his Father Martin PHELAN who / departed this life October 24th 1790 aged 40 yrs. / also his Mother Bridget PHELAN who died Feby. / 11th 1804 aged 48 years. Also his beloved son / Daniel PHELAN who died May 12th 1826 aged 7 yrs."



"Erected by John Phelan in memory / of his Wife Elenor PHELAN als WHEELAR / who departed this Life June 12th 1820."



"Erected by John Phelan of Drymerm / in memory of his beloved wife Mary / PHELAN alias DUNPHY who departed / this Life October 27th 1843 aged 56 years / Also his beloved daughter Catherine / PHELAN who departed this Life June / 25th 1847 Aged 18 years."


QUINN "Here lies the Body of James QUINN / who depd. this Life April 2nd 181.. (broken off) / aged 77 yrs. May his Soul rest in Peace / Amen."
QUIRK  &  KEEFE "Erected by Thomas Quirk of Walls Lough / in memory of his wife Annastitia QUIRK / alias KEEFE who depd. this Life 16th March 1840."


ROGERS "Here lies ye Body of / Elizabeth ROGERS who / Departed This Life in ye / year 1734 Aged 35 years." /

[Note: - Inscription continues under ground level.]

RYAN "Erected by John Ryan of John Street in the City / of Kilkenny in memory of his wife Elenor RYAN / who departed this life October 12th 1811, Aged / 29 years.  With [?5] of their children who died young.  / Also his Father Richard Ryan who died November / 24th 17(88) aged 56 years, and his Mother Mary Ryan / Miss Phelan who died March 20th 1802 aged [??] and their son James who died January 8th 1793 / aged 24 years, with more of their children who / died young. / Also Mrs. Mary WICKS alias Ryan died / Feby. 17, 1833 Aged [??] years."


WALTON "Here lies the Body of Patrick WALTON of / Higginstown who depd. this Life July 5th 1800 in / the 60 year of his age together with three of his / children, Oliver, Nicholas & Edmond WALTON."

I. H. S.


"Here lies the Body of the Revd. Thomas / WALTON Late of Higginstown Coadjutor / in Gowran who departed this Life June 19th / 1807 Aged 42 years, / his brother the Revd. Michael WALTON / P.P. of Durrow / who died 16th Decr. 1834 aged 62 years, / also his nephew the Revd. John WALTON P.P. of Castletown / who died 7th Feb. 1880, aged 60 years."

WHEELAR  PHELAN "Erected by John Phelan in memory / of his Wife Elenor PHELAN als WHEELAR / who departed this Life June 12th 1820."



WHELAN "Erected by Daniel Whelan in / memory of his Father Martin / WHELAN who died on the 24 of / Octr. 1790 aged 40 years. / Also his Mother Bridget WHELAN / who died the 11th of Feby. 1804 aged / 48 years."


Start Wheeler on page 307.






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